It’s Wolverine Wednesday!

Volunteer Training Day!

A big thank you to all the volunteers who showed up last Saturday for our volunteer training day. With over 35 people in attendance, the room was abuzz with excitement and conversation.  It was great to see all the ‘regulars’ and meet some new volunteers! I enjoyed seeing so many new faces, especially those of you who I’d previously only known through email.

“Wolverine: Chasing the Phantom”

Thank you to everyone who attended last night’s film “Wolverine: Chasing the Phantom” at Eichardt’s!  What a wonderful film it was! Seeing the incredible footage of these mysterious creatures puts a very real and powerful face to this project and your efforts in the field.  I hope everyone went away feeling inspired to bring out a bit of their own inner wolverine this winter.

Moving forward:

I’m currently working on assigning all of FSPW’s stations to stations leaders. Some of you have already heard from me, but don’t worry if you haven’t, I should be emailing you soon. If you haven’t heard from me by Friday, feel free to send me an email reminding me what we discussed at the training.  Also, if you have any questions please shoot me an email ( or give me a call (607-377-9912)! If you just learned about this study and would like to volunteer to help with a station just let me know!

Beaver Cleaver Party!

If anyone’s interested in getting their hands dirty, we’ll be holding a Beaver Cleaver Party Friday at 1pm. We’ll be cutting the frozen beavers in half and pre-wiring them so that folks will be all set to take them out into the field. It’s a messy, but rewarding job! I’ve had folks tell me that it was the highlight of their season last year. If you’re interested just let me know!

Tracking Class, this weekend!

On Jan. 12th, join wildlife researcher Brian Baxter for an in-depth, “Hands On, Boots on the Ground” field study session on tracks, trails and sign of our local wildlife with focus on mid size carnivores. Begin with a two-hour classroom session at Heron Community Center, followed by a moderate level field session nearby. Dress appropriately and bring lunch, water, snacks, cameras, and smiles! Bring snowshoes if you have them! Brian has over 36 years in the field in the U.S. and Canada. Round trip 6 ± miles. Elevation gain: 400 to 800 feet. Email for details.

That’s it for now! Stations will be going out soon!

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