It’s Wolverine…Friday?

Sorry folks. With all this buzz about wolverine stations I’ve forgotten what day it is. So your wolverine update is coming a few days late.

Good news! The bait station set-up has begun! There are currently two completed stations out there in the West Cabinets, hopefully drawing in our mustelid friends. Plus, there are seven stations going out this weekend! Who’s station will photograph our elusive phantom? We’ll start finding out mid-February when we begin taking down the stations.

If you’d like to review how to set up and take down a bait station, our friends at IDFG have posted their instruction video on youtube. Check it out if you’re interested!

Just a quick reminder, don’t forget to take pictures! We really appreciate any photos you can share with us: team shots, beaver shots, serious photos, goofy photos, we love them all!

Also, this years volunteers will be receiving a special gift for helping out – hint, it’s not a hat – so make sure you sign your wavier form!

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